Hello from Sunny Phoenix!

Hello everyone! I just joined yesterday and look forward to interacting with some of my insurance peeps on here.

I have been in the P&C insurance business for about 12 years now. I am currently with Security Insurance that is based in the great state of Arizona.

Security insurance is a full service agency that offers their products, services, and numerous carriers to other experiences and motivated agents. We are very similar to Insurance noodle, SIAA, superior access, and other brokers. I find that Security Insurance pays generally higher commissions that most broker operations and is much easier to use. If you want more info, go to our website or contact me.

Thanks and I look forward to being part of the forum.

Plus, if you have any questions for me about the P&C insurance side.......ask! I have picked up some things here and there. I started out as a State Farm Agent and then later moved to Allstate. However, I have finally made it to the independent side which is where I am staying!

Happy selling!!

Plus, if you have any questions for me about the P&C insurance side.......ask! I have picked up some things here and there. I started out as a State Farm Agent and then later moved to Allstate. However, I have finally made it to the independent side which is where I am staying!

Happy selling!!

I have some questions...

I'm not a P and C agent, but I have some common questions, that some of you can answer for us.

Does car insurance really drop at age 25 and why if so?

Does the color of a car affect the price? I was told when I had my sport car that was red, if I painted it a safe color it might lower my car ins? Was this true?

When I rent a car, does my policy usually cover this?

In most cases if I allow someone to borrow my car and they don't live with me, are they covered?
Insurance dropping @ 25 is fairly common but it depends on the insurance carrier. The rate generally drops @ 25 because now you are in a better statistical catagory that now says you have driving experience and might have less chance of getting into an accident.

Color of the car has no baring on price of insurance. There is no company that ever ask what the car color is.

Generally, your own insurance covers a newly acquired car ...such as a rental car. However, that depends on the state laws and more imporantly the carrier. Some states, the insurance follows the car and some states the insurance follows the driver.

Generally yes, if you lend your car to anyone with your permission they are covered under your policy. Again this depends on the state laws and the individual carrier. However, it they get in a wreck.....your insurance goes up and not their because it was your policy that paid out.

I hope this help.
He said "Plus, if you have any questions for me about the P&C insurance side......."

and I have questions,,,,Never hurts to ask...I'm not a p and c agent