Hello From Whittier


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
I've posted a few bits and pieces here, and realised that I should have perhaps added an introduction.

I've lived in the United Kingdom for the past 20 years, I grew up in Redondo Beach for most of my life.

I've been in the insurance business there, I sold Pension, Life,term, UL,Whole life. I've also been in the finance industry for 9 years.

I've recently returned to California and have, as of July this year, passed my L/Health licence. At the moment I am looking at going "captive", I've got two different companies, NYL and Mass Mut. to interview with. I want to get the needed training and grounding before I break off and go solo.

I've stumbled acccross this fourm by accident and already have more information either pasted onto a note book I'm going to be printing, or some of the pages saved for reference.

Depending on the direction that the company wants me to take, I'm looking to focus on LTC and Medical suppliments, I've have some experiences, not so pleasent, with my family concerning long term medical care/insurance etc.

There's a nudge for me to look at taking the Series 6/63 courses, but I'm not sure if this is the right time, ecconomically for me to look into this.

Anyway, that's me, I'm grateful for the advice and help that is given here; I hope I can make some sort of positive contribution here.

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