Hello! In CA. New to Forum and New to Selling Medigap

Big hello to everyone participating in this community! I just stumbled upon this forum and am happy to have found such a resource. This looks like a great opportunity to share best practices.

I have been selling MAPD in CA for the past 5 years working for a health plan.

Now I am no longer a captured agent but an independent, working through an agency, offering Medicare Advantage, Med Sups, and PDP's.

This old fish needs to learn some new tricks. I have become accustomed to having leads generated for me by my company and their events. Now I am going it alone and won't be at the same large-scale tradeshows and such. I need a grass-roots approach.

I appreciate any advice or marketing ideas to grow my business.

(there are several smileys offered as I post this so I feel compelled to use some):cool::idea::1smile::laugh::yes::):1cool:
Welcome to the forum. You will find a lot of good useful information here as well as some B.S.
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