Hello, New Here


hello, rodney from north carolina. This board has taught me
more in two weeks than two months of my so-called training.
just started selling in jan med advantage. you want to know
how naive I am did'nt know there was a cut off in Mar. Sold
60 policies in three months. and found out today 50 of them are my pffs coverty. anyway trying different segments now
wandering if this ever gets any easier. I love hard work but
my old 9-5 sounding pretty good right now. i know my wife would love to see me without a phone attached to my head:laugh:
i'm sorry didn't think before I typed.
told you I was new. I can't post yet, but
can some of the more experience agents
tell me if there's a website to tell medicare supplement vs.
medicare advantage percentages of erollment county
by county. you can p.m please I would really appreciate it.
And I'm sorry if upset anyone eariler with my comments.
i'm sorry didn't think before I typed.
told you I was new. I can't post yet, but
can some of the more experience agents
tell me if there's a website to tell medicare supplement vs.
medicare advantage percentages of erollment county
by county. you can p.m please I would really appreciate it.
And I'm sorry if upset anyone eariler with my comments.

You didn't upset anyone; that is just moonlight being moonlight. He really is a sharp guy, and brings a considerable amount of value to our venue.

As far as Medicare supplements & Medicare Advantage are concerned there are several people on here that are very knowledgeable. I would suggest you starting a new thread and posing your question in the senior insurance forum. I hope this helps.............