Hello New

Hello Richard, this site will give you all the info you need formlifeinsurance to succeed. Good luck.
I guess we need a forum etiquette so people know expected behavior. Usually online forums discourage posting emails. I am not sure how it adds value but here you go

[email protected]

If you need someone to contact you and the rules say you need X post to pm not sure how else you should do it. If you are uncomfortable posting it, don't. Or the person pming you could leave an email if they want. Not difficult.
I understand. I just think posting email address can invite more spam than "x post to PM" rule would prevent.

Still, we have to live by rules, So be it!
I am new to this industry, we are generating auto leads on a trial basis (5 leads a day for now). We stumbled upon some technology that is more effective than competition. But I cannot find anybody willing to buy those (despite people complaining not having enough leads)

So I joined this forum for help.