Hey from a Houston Texan


New Member
Hello everybody! New to the forum (sorta) I've been trolling the forums for some time. I've found an incredible amount of information here. The forum is very helpful! I've been in the industry for a couple of years now as a personal lines producer for an independent agency. Enjoying the challenge so far; it definitely keeps me learning & very busy.

I recently obtained my life license and am looking to get appointed with a life insurance to bring more options to our agency. I'm very grateful for the opportunity given to me by the agent to work in the independent insurance industry. However, the agent is a little jaded. So, he is okay with trying to get some life business in our office but it's all up to me to do so. Any advice at all on companies to contact first, or initial steps to take would be greatly appreciated. Looking to start in the right direction. Thanks in advance
Welcome! One of my best friends who now lives here in Indiana is a native of Cypress, Texas. He is a great guy.
Thanks for the welcome! Cypress is right down the road; about 20 minutes north of me! Is he in the insurance industry also?
Thanks for the welcome! Cypress is right down the road; about 20 minutes north of me! Is he in the insurance industry also?

No he is not. When he was young he was an Army Ranger and now he is in the automotive business.