Hey There

Hi there everyone.

My name is Joe. I currently live in Virginia and about to start out in the Insurance Business. My family has been in the insurance/mortgage business for quite a long time. I've learned a lot just by standing around as a young kid and paying attention.

I am going to be embarking on this adventure part-time. I have a full time job that I do enjoy, but it does give me a lot of flexibility in scheduling. I work in the IT industry for a Residential VOIP Provider (Telephone over your internet connection).

The reason I am wanting to get into the business is because I enjoy selling and I enjoy finance. This is a great mix of helping people with their financial future as well as a way to satisfy my urge to sell and work with numbers and make some good money on the side. If I do really well, there could be a case to be made to work totally full time at this, but I'm letting that take me down that road when it comes.

Since I have a lot of computer/internet experience, I think the best way for me to start out is by gathering leads that way. I can build my own auto-dialers as well as advertise online in multiple different ways. I'm pretty decent with SEO, so that will help.

The biggest downside I think I have is being part-time as well as training opportunities. I won't be going to a captive company as all my dad's friends and himself work in the business, so they are there for me. I just don't have that "Let me hop in the car and go to the appointment with you", type of help.

Sorry for the long intro.. Just felt like writing a bit today.
Welcome to the forum. We are glad to have you here. Depending on where you live I have a couple of individuals that I know personally in Virginia who may be interested in mentoring you.
Hey Joe,
I'm here in VA also. Give me a call sometime. I may be able to help you out or steer you in the right direction.
Thanks Everyone.. I appreciate the warm welcome. It's really good to know that their is a good group of people out there willing to help. I can't imagine how people did this when there was no Internet. You could only talk to who you knew and not reach the amount of people we do today.

By the way, I'm in Northern Virginia. I live in Centreville if anyone is familiar with the area.