HHS Announces New Rules for Mini Meds

Crabcake Johnny

5000 Post Club
"Under the new rules, health insurers offering "mini-med" plans must notify consumers in plain language that their plan offers extremely limited benefits and direct them to Health Care | HealthCare.gov where they can get more information about other coverage options.

HHS has also issued guidance restricting the sale of new mini-med plans except under very limited circumstances."

U.S. Limits Sale Of Mini Med Insurance Plans | Gov Monitor
How about the 220 or so plans that got a special Obamacrap wavier from HHS Sec. Shebullshits?
Maybe AIM will be making a comeback!

Wouldn't that just be the icing on the cake of unintended consequences...Want to cover more kids make kids GI now there are no more Child only policies....want to get rid of junk plans but now giving waivers and maybe within a couple of years junk plans will be all that anyone can afford...

Change you can believe in.....catchy slogan...So is "We inherited ...." Come B.O. Your president now its been 21 months its time to put up or shut up.