How Can I Sell Auto Insurance in California?


New Member
How's it going guys. I am new to the forum and interested in providing auto insurance. What are the eligibility requirements? Can someone point me in the direction where I can start selling auto insurance?

Thank you.
Giv esome hints, such as what state you are in, what insurance experience you have and what got you interested in auto insurance.

Then we can give some meaningful answers.

For instance, do you have your license yet?

I'm in California. I have experience with I am not licensed but I would help out this lady I knew with processing. I was using her login information. The reason I am interested is because I would like to make money. Everyone needs Auto Insurance. :1cute:
Start with the realization that it is very difficult to get started in P&C as an independent agent. I mean very difficult.

The steps are easy, making a living at it is much harder. But, here are the steps:

- Decide on a marketing plan. What markets are you going to go after. What carriers fit that market. Even in 'auto' you have multiple markets, from what I call 'dented' drivers through preferred auto and then commercial.
- Apply for and get your license. Start this now.
- Talk to carriers and see what it takes to get appointed. You will have to have a few iterations of this to your marketing plan till you get carriers that fit your marketing efforts. Be flexible.
- Find your E&O policy. Be prepared to spend $250-$350 a month for this, especially being new. You can do better in a few years.
- Pick up something like SAIS or insurancenoodle to write things where you don't have direct appts.

Then, pick up the phone and get to work.

The steps sound much easier than they are.
