How To Go Fulltime FE



I am at the point where I am ready to go full-time FE, and would like to know how others have made the leap. It would seem useless to schedule appointments out for 2 weeks to coincide with my 2 weeks notice. My clients have a hard enough time remembering that I spoke with them 2 days ago. I would like to hit the ground running; any suggestions?
I shut my gym down and upped my mail about 4 weeks prior.

Pretty simple -- just do the same thing but more of it.

I agree. Just start dumping your DM mail expect to send out 1500 pieces a week every week see what your returns are then adjust from their so you get a steady flow of leads each week

as far as setting appts I call monday for tuesday then call wends for thursday dont set your appt more than 1 day out.
as far as setting appts I call monday for tuesday then call wends for thursday dont set your appt more than 1 day out.[/quote]

Agree, but I would like to add that the call days are also good for door knocking the leads that you can't get hold of. I keep my leads with me, so if I have time between appointments, I can call from the car.