How to Increase Your Annuity Closing Ratio!


1000 Post Club
I wanted to give all of you the opportunity to join us for this webinar. I hear time and time again people asking questions on "How to sell an annuity?"​

Regardless if you are new to the annuity market place, or a seasoned vet. There is something for everyone to learn. I hope you enjoy!​

How To Increase Your Closing Ratio in Today’s Economy

Next Generation Financial Group
Join us for a Webinar on

August 27
Time 10:00 a.m. CST

Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
GoToWebinar : Webinars & Web Events Made Easy. Award-Winning Web Casting & Online Seminar Hosting Software

Join us for a webinar that will provide you with the tools to greatly increase your closing ratio!

Discover the top three concepts that Producers are using to excel in today’s uncertain economy AND uncover solutions to your clients’ top three objections.

1. I don’t want to tie up my money.
2. What if I have an emergency, or get sick, or die?
3. I think I’m going to wait until…

Includes a review of case studies and tips from Top Producers!

As an ADDED BONUS, learn how you can get your hands on the three hottest sales kits for 2009—Free for joining the webinar

• Smart Tax Planning—1040 Tax Planner and Pocket Tax Table.
• Annuity Advantage—client brochure and tax equivalency slider.
• Qualified Solutions—IRA brochure and pre-approach letters.

Each kit includes pre approved client materials, PowerPoint slides, scripts, and more!

I look forward to seeing you on there.
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Sir, since your last webinar was outstanding, I will gladly participate in this one, too. Thanks.
Will you have this webinar up after the 27th? I won't be able to listen to it on the 27th.

I will have it recorded; so yes, it will be available. Give me a call after the webinar if you would like, and I can send it to you.

Great question.