How to Spend Our Marketing Dollars

My wife and I are switching over to Individual Health from MA sales. We are contracted and trained and are ready to pull the trigger. We have $400 per week for the next 5 weeks targeted at leads and marketing. How would you guys spend it?
Personally, I would recommend telemarketed leads over internet. (however, if you're going the internet route - I have a number of guys having success with aged leads. 45-60 days)

Are you contracted direct or are you going through a GA? There are a few companies that I've worked with that will help you get started. (subsidize lead costs etc)
Be careful with any lead you buy. Read about the source of the leads and how well other brokers do with them in your state.

Remember...cold-calling is free and if you have fresh legs...use those as well. Along with the purchased leads of course.
Contact your MA clients (unless this is also prohibited by law) and ask for referrals. Grandma and Grandpa have children and grandchildren that need insurance. They may as well buy it from you.

This of course, won't get you all the clients you need, but it should get you some.
Save the $ 2,000 your going to waste on leads untill you get some health insurance experience under your belt. Buy a list of small business owners from Go Leads for $ 9.95 per month . You and your wife both get on and pound the phones for a min. of 6 hours a day calling small businesses.