How Will Health Reform Affect the Way Carriers and Agencies Sell?


New Member
Need answers to a few questions to better understand how Health Reform may affect the insurance market.

I listed a few questions below, if you would not mind going through them adding your thoughts it would be very much appreciated!

How do you feel Health Reform may positively or negatively affect how you currently do business?

How do you feel Health Reform may affect how carriers and agents sell their products?

Do carriers/agencies have plans to increase or decrease recruiting new agents to sell products?

Do you see a shift from independent to captive? Field agents to more of a call center approach?

Do they have plans to add products?

Do they intend on spending more on marketing or less in 2010 or do you find they are holding off on planning pending Health Reform bill?

I appreciate your help
Re: How Will Health Reform Affect the Way Carriers and Agencies S

Answers to all of your questions are "NA."

Until the bill (whatever it looks like) is passed, it is difficult to answer. And...even when passed, many changes will take years to go into effect, and a lot can happen between now and then.

And by the answer is the same for the duplicate post on another section of the Forum.
Re: How Will Health Reform Affect the Way Carriers and Agencies S

Need answers to a few questions to better understand how Health Reform may affect the insurance market.

I listed a few questions below, if you would not mind going through them adding your thoughts it would be very much appreciated!

How do you feel Health Reform may positively or negatively affect how you currently do business?

How do you feel Health Reform may affect how carriers and agents sell their products?

Do carriers/agencies have plans to increase or decrease recruiting new agents to sell products?

Do you see a shift from independent to captive? Field agents to more of a call center approach?

Do they have plans to add products?

Do they intend on spending more on marketing or less in 2010 or do you find they are holding off on planning pending Health Reform bill?

I appreciate your help

There is a separate forum on this site for Health Insurance Reform. Probably the best thing to do is to read through that and see the various types of speculation. Also, if you are from Massachusetts, you tell us what you think. How is that reform working out there?

I am also from a state that has a health reform plan. Yesterday it notified the Legislature that it is going to default on the emergency 25 million dollar loan that was made to hold it together. Of course only an *** did not know that that money was gone from day one. Just like the millions before it, and the millions that were paid off with stimulus funds. Just like this default which will be paid off through the next round of stimulus funds. This called "savings" and "reducing health costs" and is about to be adopted as the national model.

Change you can believe in.
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