Independent Carriers In North Alabama / Tennessee



any body know which indy carriers are competitive in this area?
Re: North Alabama/tennessee

not telling since you posted this in a different forum
thanks, i will check them out
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not telling since you posted this in a different forum
i wrote chattanooga. :biggrin:
like you would know the regional carriers here bein from azhole. lol
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any body know which indy carriers are competitive in this area?

I put together a directory of carriers across the USA and Canada, it is searchable by state, so you can put in Alabama and Tennessee (or do two seperate searched for each one of these states) and you can even type in a keyword, such as "workers comp." The nice thing about the directory is that it provides you a link to the agency appointment page (where available). You can access the directory at:
thanks for the info. i would like to buy an indy agency in north alabama