Indexed Annuities Question


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
What carrier has the best participation, highest cap, and lowest spread of all the indexed annuities.

I am not refering to any income riders either.

I am looking for this and do not care about the commission levels of them.

What carrier has the best participation, highest cap, and lowest spread of all the indexed annuities.

I am not refering to any income riders either.

I am looking for this and do not care about the commission levels of them.


How long of an annuity are we talking about here, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15 year???? What rating of a company are you looking for? Are we talking single premium or Flex?

I would look into ING, Symetra and LSW.
What carrier has the best participation, highest cap, and lowest spread of all the indexed annuities.

I am not refering to any income riders either.

I am looking for this and do not care about the commission levels of them.

No cap and 100% participation I would probably check out American National.

Its a give and take with a lot of products, there really isnt one product that is the best or the best for most people. But their are a lot of good products out there with more options then ever.

Good choice with the income riders just a smoke and mirrors so your not looking at how low the rates are right now, Im not saying they dont have their places but they can get expensive so if your not gonna need that income stay away.