Insolvency for Medicare Is Seen Closer

Though no surprise, I assume selling MA is a lost cause for one to even venture into in lieu of this new report? Thoughts on going to what one should focus on within the industry......

One thing that's surprising to me....I've been calling folks soon to turn 65 in my area....the number of those that have already gotten Medicare due to disability and been on it for awhile. I've never seen such a high ratio.
One thing that's surprising to me....I've been calling folks soon to turn 65 in my area....the number of those that have already gotten Medicare due to disability and been on it for awhile. I've never seen such a high ratio.

Have you been calling residents in the psych ward?:twitchy:

My guess is he is calling Hope & Change voters. :1mad:

Medicare and Soc Sec are in big trouble.

I'm calling folks within a 30 mile radius of my office.

10-15%...already on Medicare.
15-20%...Tricare for life.

This place is loaded with Tricare recipients.

Yeah...Medicare and SS are in big trouble.
Last I heard one of the solutions being bandied about is to increase fice from employer/employee total of 15.3% to 24% of pay. Has anyone else heard more about this option?
I'm calling folks within a 30 mile radius of my office.

10-15%...already on Medicare.
15-20%...Tricare for life.

This place is loaded with Tricare recipients.

Yeah...Medicare and SS are in big trouble.

I have noticed the same trend this year.

Medicare is not going anywhere. Government will solve it with their Print and Borrow formula. Unfortunately it will be the dollar that ends up being in big trouble!
Well that should be great for job creation, no?

Frickin' idiots.

Your right about that....Particulary for Self-Employed people I look at that and say there goes a 1/4 of my income in programs that will be gone before I can reach medicare at 67 which is still 34 years away assuming they don't increase the age again...And it takes that much more away from my ability to save for myself. So lets see

Fica 24%
Fed 25%
State 8.5%
Sales Tax
Property Tax
Excise Tax

All before you can buy groceries and heating oil...