Interview with FE Producer Nick Frumpkin


5000 Post Club
This is a recorded conversation I had last week with a great agent who has been with us a few years. Nick is not active on the insurance forum so many of you have probably never heard of him but he is a great guy and one of the most helpful individuals in our group. When new agents have a question on our LifeLine he is usually one of the first responders and always has the right info they are seeking.

As of the beginning of December 2017 Nick had $270,000 of FE production and those numbers don't include his single premium cases, term cases, or Medicare cases he has sold which we don't include in our production board.

Here is a link to Nick's interview and also to other past interviews you may have missed if you are new to the business.

The classic JDEasy interview from several years ago. Audio Interviews
This is a recorded conversation I had last week with a great agent who has been with us a few years. Nick is not active on the insurance forum so many of you have probably never heard of him but he is a great guy and one of the most helpful individuals in our group. When new agents have a question on our LifeLine he is usually one of the first responders and always has the right info they are seeking.

As of the beginning of December 2017 Nick had $270,000 of FE production and those numbers don't include his single premium cases, term cases, or Medicare cases he has sold which we don't include in our production board.

Here is a link to Nick's interview and also to other past interviews you may have missed if you are new to the business.

The classic JDEasy interview from several years ago. Audio Interviews

Great interview. One of the best you have done.. No bull, just the facts... :)