introduction and thank you

Hello From Madison Wisconsin.
My name is Bryan Bliss and I have been a self employed business owner and mentor for over 20 years.
I first started teaching as a graduate student at the university of Illinois at Champaign/ Urbana and liked the dynamic of teaching so much that when I graduated and opened my own business, I Modeled it as an apprenticeship/mentorong shop.
Over the years I hired my employees based more on their enthusiasm than experience. I appreciate working with those willing to work at learning.
Currently I'm researching and developing content for my marketing and business mentoring site . As a copywriter, this sites lead generation, networking and marketing threads interest me.
Thank you for sharing your experience on how to, what works and what doesent.

Here are the front lines where self starters and entrepreneurs test and discuss their creative strategies.
this intro already too long

thanks and take care,

Bryan Bliss

test, measure, adapt, win
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