Is the life insurance market going to drastically drop due to the possible recession?


New Member
I just passed my life and health exam in S. California, and am set to start selling with New York Life. Most of the comments I've read here have said pretty good things about NYL, but I'm curious how negatively effected the life industry has been and will be as the economy gets worse. Any advice or just plain comments will be appreciated.
Re: Is the life insurance market going to drastically drop due to the possible recess

So, what makes you think we are in a "possible recession"? If you have not already turn off the morning and evening news all they preach is "doom and gloom".

Who cares what the so called "experts" think, you know you can sell insurance now go do it!
Re: Is the life insurance market going to drastically drop due to the possible recess

IMO, life sales usually fall off a little in the months before a presidental election. Combining that with the current economic climate, means that sales will probably be slower than average for a little while. However, if you can sell, it doesn't matter what the "climate" is.

Re: Is the life insurance market going to drastically drop due to the possible recess

So, what makes you think we are in a "possible recession"?

Who cares what the so called "experts" think, you know you can sell insurance now go do it!

You sound like a Bush supporter (if there are any left that will admit it).

Warren Buffet is NOT a so called expert?

This is foolish crap. Of course we're in a recession, only a fool would not acknowledge it.

Despite it, there's never been a time of greater opportunity. Capitalize on it.
Re: Is the life insurance market going to drastically drop due to the possible recess

Yah, I know. I'm coming out of the car sales business and am very motivated to succeed and am confident that I will, just curious how the insurance market has been effected. Has it? Is it recession proof like I've heard some people say?
Re: Is the life insurance market going to drastically drop due to the possible recess

"Despite it, there's never been a time of greater opportunity. Capitalize on it."
Why is this a greater time for opportunity?
Re: Is the life insurance market going to drastically drop due to the possible recess

Moonlight, my political preference is not of any releveance (no I am not a bush supporter) but I am flattered you are so interested in my political position. moonlight, you are awful quick to start calling names. when I only asked why did he think we were in a recession.

So, Murph if your father (moonlight) will allow you to reply to my question I would be curious to hear what you have to say.
Re: Is the life insurance market going to drastically drop due to the possible recess

Understood. It's nice to know that success in this business seems to be determined more by the individual than by economic climate.