Is There An FMO Website That Has Excellent Training ?


As one who has read his share of books concerning annuities, I'm still looking to learn more. I see that some FMO's have more "continuing education" on their websites than others.

Can you suggest FMO websites (or other sites as well) that I newcomer would find particularly helpful? Articles, webinars, etc.

Thanks in advance.
Re: Is There an FMO Website That Has Excellent TRAINING?

Hi Ben,

I am with Producers Choice. We have local and regional offices around the country and we are the largest in the Broker Dealer market. We can provide you with on going training and case follow up.

We have also led and organized the effort in Washington to defeat SEC Rule 151A. This Friday we are meeting with Sen. Harry Reid again about this.

If you are looking for a true end to end marketing company. Give me a call.

I also have designed my own basic annuity info. website for your review, Welcome to, your one stop shop for free annuity information

Thank you,
Re: Is There an FMO Website That Has Excellent TRAINING?

Hi Ben,

I am with Producers Choice. We have local and regional offices around the country and we are the largest in the Broker Dealer market. We can provide you with on going training and case follow up.

We have also led and organized the effort in Washington to defeat SEC Rule 151A. This Friday we are meeting with Sen. Harry Reid again about this.

If you are looking for a true end to end marketing company. Give me a call.

I also have designed my own basic annuity info. website for your review, Welcome to, your one stop shop for free annuity information

Thank you,

I'm very familiar with A great resource that I should have mentioned in my post. Thanks.