Is There Such a Thing As Major Medical (catastrophic) Health Insurance Anymore?


New Member
Please, I need information about major medical or catastrophic health insurance. Something with a $25,000 deductible that can be coupled with my HSA. Does this exist?
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Health Guy is correct. The IRS limits the deductible and oop maximums. The maximum deductible is $3,100/6,250 and the max oop is $6,050/12,100. If you need verification, please see the IRS website.
If you already have an HSA and have funds in your account, then you switch to a "catastrophic" plan that is outside the IRS limits, you can still DISTRIBUTE funds from your HSA account to pay your qualified medical bills. You just can't CONTRIBUTE more funds into your HSA account once you are no longer covered under a qualifying high-deductible health plan that meets the IRS guidelines mentioned in the post above.
I've seen this attempted throughout selling health insurance since 2003:

"I'm going to come up with a way to combine products so I don't pay anything out of pocket."

I've seen it all tried; major medical wrapped with a mini-med, major medical combined with short-term, major medical + CI + Accident = no OOP and major medical with a CAT plan.

Nothing works and the math is never going to come out in your favor.

Fully funding a HSA to match the plan's OOP is the closest anyone will come.
I still have a few Assurant $25k plans on the books. Premium savings vs $10k isn't worth it.

Don't know if it still exists, but US Life used to write a $50k and $100k SIR policy.

Even if available, still not worth the price.