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A have a customer and she is teacher. She is also in the JAG Rerserves.. I wrote her under Assurant, but then thought about the Armed Forces personnel occupation exclusion. Technically, her occupation is teacher. How would Assurant treat this and is there a company I can write her with if Assurant thinks this would not be acceptable?
A have a customer and she is teacher. She is also in the JAG Rerserves.. I wrote her under Assurant, but then thought about the Armed Forces personnel occupation exclusion. Technically, her occupation is teacher. How would Assurant treat this and is there a company I can write her with if Assurant thinks this would not be acceptable?

Anytime a military members is on active duty...and this include weekends warriors, they will be covered under Tricare. When they are civilians, it is either group or individual plans. There are no insurance companies that will cover military members while they are part of a conflict, that also falls under Tricare. Tricare is great from an economical standpoint for civilians and retirees, but it is pain in the ass to navigate.
So... am I ok with Assurant... she said she is not eligible for Tricare?

Please clarify. she said that she is not eligible for Tricare when she is off duty or on duty? If she says when she is on then something is amiss because every military member is covered while on duty.

She can pick any plan she wants on the individual market as long as she understands that Tricare picks up when she is on duty. If you need some ammunition check out this website http://www.tricare.mil/reserve/
Ok... I see what you are saying... so while she is off duty she can use Assurant, but if she got called to duty, Tricare would pick her up?