Jewelry Policy...


New Member
Looking for a jewelry policy for a client in Florida who resides in a mobile home. It's a long term client of mine who recently moved there and is temporarily renting a trailer until they find their home. About $100k in scheduled items.

Jewelers Mutual is out
My contact at Lloyds had no market.
Any ideas?
How about ASIs mobile home policy and scheduling it in. I have more than that on a renters policy with them. They wanted pictures and an appraisal but that was it.
$100,000 in valuable items in a mobile home?

For some of us, it is a lifestyle choice, not a financial constraint issue. While I could write a check to purchase the entire mobile home park, i choose to live amongst the everyday people that are the salt of the earth.

Please tell me you are not a California elitist that looks down at the rest of the flyover areas of the great US of A. Merica
Had a house.. sold it and moved to a new state for work. Temporarily renting a mobile home while house shopping. Once they find a home, it will be easy to endorse.