Key Health Questions I Ask Clients


Super Genius
When I was a newer and a more green agent, I was out in the field with an agent and I saw him do this. I hope passing on these questions will help a lot of agents in the field and eliminate a carrier coming back with a "other than applied" for rating class on a client from the get go. Hope this is helpful! Please feel free to add some things that make sense to ask Health wise from the beginning.

Mrs. Mary:
Do you use any inhalers?
Have any COPD?
Any Insulin?
Ever had a heart attack or stroke?
Ever been prescribed nitroglycerin?
Ever had an liver/kidney disease?
Ever had any cancer?

After I ask those key health questions, I get into the medications and try to paint the whole picture before going into the carrier specific questions and narrowing down my search.
This is something I think a lot of new agents miss for sure. Hopefully someone will see this thread and avoid having to try 3 different apps only to see them all get declined or go modified and tick the client off to the point where you lose the business.

I personally phrase things like this.

"Miss Mary, I need to see a list of all prescribed medication or all of your bottles. Also I ask, do you have any inhalers? Nitroglycerin that you don't take? Any insulin in the fridge?" This will typically draw out those tough medications that the client may forget.

I agree with Holden, ask for the major health issues. Heart attack, stroke, cancer, dialysis recent hospitalization.

Encourage the client to be as honest as possible so you can fight for them to put them with the right company. Typically, the medications will tell the story.
This is something I think a lot of new agents miss for sure. Hopefully someone will see this thread and avoid having to try 3 different apps only to see them all get declined or go modified and tick the client off to the point where you lose the business.

I personally phrase things like this.

"Miss Mary, I need to see a list of all prescribed medication or all of your bottles. Also I ask, do you have any inhalers? Nitroglycerin that you don't take? Any insulin in the fridge?" This will typically draw out those tough medications that the client may forget.

I agree with Holden, ask for the major health issues. Heart attack, stroke, cancer, dialysis recent hospitalization.

Encourage the client to be as honest as possible so you can fight for them to put them with the right company. Typically, the medications will tell the story.
Great stuff! Nice additions