LA Times/Obama Tag Team

Great comment to the article. Last paragraph, sweet!

Your claim that malpractice adds only a negligible amount to health care costs is patently false. You only account for the litigation. What you overlook is the enormous cost of malpractice INSURANCE, which is necessitated by the constant threat of the litigation. Ask any doctor or surgeon, and they will tell you that their single largest expense, by far, is their malpractice insurance. It is so bad that it is driving physicians out of business or to other states where the insurance is less costly (example: Obstetrician scarcity in Pennsylvania)

You also completely overlook all the free care provided by hospitals who are required to provide it to those without insurance. What happens then? The hospitals, doctors, and drug and medical equipment companies raise their fees to compensate. And who pays those fees? I DO, through increased health insurance premiums.

The reasons that health insurance costs are skyrocketing and the private insurance system is failing are as plain as dry toast - fraud, greed, freeloaders, and litigation. And NONE of those problems will be made better by a Government-controlled system, because our Government is the poster child for fraud, greed, freeloaders, and litigation.
mmagliaro (02/28/2010, 2:49 AM )"
put people back to work so they're eligible for cheaper group plans

The absolute ignorance of folks reporting and commenting on health care is astounding.

What a freaking ***.

WellPoint executives have made, suggests that insurers can't profitably manage through periods of high unemployment. They can't price policies in a way that keeps healthy young people in the same pool as older people, producing a mockery of the very point of indemnity insurance.

Actually, I believe what she said is unless you mandate that everyone buy health insurance you have a mess. Many young invincible's won't buy coverage at a buck a day. Wellpoint specifically developed a plan (Tonik) geared to the MTV generation but still there are thousands who won't buy the coverage.


Because they are invincible, dude.

Thank you Michael Hitzik for proving you are an imbecile.
Wellpoint also did an extensive study of small businesses in California that did not offer employer-sponsored coverage. The total was just under 1 million small businesses.

They came up with a product line specifically to address those businesses based on what those businesses told Wellpoint. Lower contributions, lower cost plans, lower participation requirements. They called it "BeneFits".

Like Tonik, it did not work. Sales of "BeneFits" have been, to put it nicely, lackluster.