Lead Jerk - FE LEads


New Member
Thinking about buying some FE leads for telesales, has anyone used them or know anyhh to Inglewood about them?
The lead jerk is it true jerk. His leads are not exclusive like they promise, he is just another lead broker that buys and sales leads and he buys up any leads that are left in call centers to add to his aggregate they're not exclusive.

You would just be wasting your money if you want a good lead source I could point you in the right direction but to be frank with you there's not very many out there you got bang bang leads happy agent leads those would be the only ones that I would suggest but then again they're not exclusive base advertise they are but they're not.

I would suggest finding some live transfer Leads that are affordable. Remember that lead is not a cell it's just the chance to have a conversation. And the problem with that is the more lead you buy from say the lead jerk happy agent leads bang bang leads you're going to have very many dial numbers that just don't pick up at all you're going to Triple dial them they still don't pick up at all and if they do you'll find out that they've already been called before.

So why not spend a little extra money and buy live transfer leads which gives you the practice on the phone so every conversation you would have your that more skilled for the next yes.

You need to invest your money on how to generate your own leads, I've been in this field long enough to know there is no such thing as exclusive leads except live transfers and you generate your own.

Blessings and happiness to you
Seldom buy leads but when I bought from The Lead Jerk, I had good success. As to whether they are exclusive or not, the call uses your name so it would be hard for someone else to sue the same lead. Of course, there are others calling the same person so they might respond to more than one call or one direct mail piece. The only reason I do not use Matt now is he started requiring a minimum of 17,000 names to call and I live in a rural area. To get that many names, I would have to have him call areas more than 50 miles from me and I don't want to drive that far.
Lol when I read that it laughed . 50 miles ? I drove 1700 miles in 8 days last week . 50 miles is like going to the mailbox for me . Lol
I am talking about more than 50 miles one way.. Actually, it would probably be closer to 100.. I don't want to do that. 1) I am no longer working anywhere close to full time.. 2) even when I did, I could always find plenty of business to be written within 15-20 miles of my house. Sometimes I would go farther out just for the change of scenery. 3) I have been moving more and more back to cancer sales and have never found a productive lead situation for that other than canvassing and referrals.