Lead with Supps or LTC?


Super Genius
100+ Post Club

I have been reading this forum for over a year now and I must say - you guys have provided me with a TON of ideas and education. I have used some concepts for prospecting/process/ and closing. So... Thank you.
I wanted to start posting because I am currently captive and thinking about diving in-dy sometime later in the year.

At this point I feel I have done fairly well targeting seniors, but thus far I have only closed one LTCi partnership case. I have been moving money and writing FE - not anything to brag about, but my goal in my first couple of years has been to soak in as much as possible, educate myself, and write enough business to make a living - hopefully my skill level and my position in the community will continue to grow(along with my paycheck). It seems that every senior has the concern, but are not willing to pull the trigger when they see the cost of LTCi. I am working on my CASL designation and thinking of marketing/targeting the niche of "Senior Health" including Medicare Supps/LTCi. From everything I have been reading, it seems that most in the senior field are leading with Supps, but I was wondering if anyone leads with LTCi. Also, I sat in on a webinar that the "Insurance Mavericks" put on a couple of weeks ago. They have a "system" for LTC lead generation that some advisor in MAryland has set up- it looks pretty sweet, (has any of you seen this or using something similar?)but my thought is that location/demgraphic plays a huge role here. I am in "blue-collar" rural Ohio and not too sure how it would work in this area. Thoughts?

Although I have sold a lot LTCi, every sale has been the direct result of a Med Supp appointment. Med Supps are much easier to prospect for, set appointments for and sell than LTCi.

I tried prospecting for LTCi for a very short time, a couple of months, several years ago. I found it way too time consuming. First year commissions are attractive but they can't hold a candle to Med Supp commissions in my opinion.

You may want to explore Med Supps. If you would like to give me a call we can talk about it in greater depth.
Thanks Frank! All signs are pointing in that direction. I just can't believe my captive manager has never even mentioned Med Supps. it really makes me wonder why I haven't left yet. Which leads me to wonder--how many agents do you think are in the US calling specifically for Med Supps. I actually spoke with you a couple of weeks ago. I was going to call you tonight, but I have some friends that just called - and are now stopping by. I have been studying alot, but I think I need your material.
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Thanks Frank! All signs are pointing in that direction. I just can't believe my captive manager has never even mentioned Med Supps. it really makes me wonder why I haven't left yet. Which leads me to wonder--how many agents do you think are in the US calling specifically for Med Supps. I actually spoke with you a couple of weeks ago. I was going to call you tonight, but I have some friends that just called - and are now stopping by. I have been studying alot, but I think I need your material.
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Some of the things we do for agents is a mailing that has places for people to mark multi things to include LTC,FE, Sup. Many will mark more than one thing. Also you may want to have a short term plan available as well for those who can not afford LTC but still want something.

Jim Sowder
Family 1st Insurance Brokerage
fax: 206-337-3753
[email protected]

I have run thousands of direct mail leads like that in the past. Almost without exception, when I call, they have no recollection of, nor will they even admit to having filled out the card and returning it.

The cards are filled out by people who are curious at the time they receive the card but for the most part have no real interest in making a purchase. The card most probably says the information is "free" or something to that effect. Seniors are all about sending for anything that says "free".

If your card says "an agent will contact you" regarding the insurance you requested information about then that may be a totally different story. If it doesn't then I would suggest you give that a try.

I would have to advise any agent working the senior market that they are not wort either the cost of sending them out nor giving up several points of commission to receive them.

Teach them to prospect and both of you will make a lot more money.
I have run thousands of direct mail leads like that in the past. Almost without exception, when I call, they have no recollection of, nor will they even admit to having filled out the card and returning it.

The cards are filled out by people who are curious at the time they receive the card but for the most part have no real interest in making a purchase. The card most probably says the information is "free" or something to that effect. Seniors are all about sending for anything that says "free".

If your card says "an agent will contact you" regarding the insurance you requested information about then that may be a totally different story. If it doesn't then I would suggest you give that a try.

I would have to advise any agent working the senior market that they are not wort either the cost of sending them out nor giving up several points of commission to receive them.

Teach them to prospect and both of you will make a lot more money.

Same here, never had any luck with using Mail Leads to sell Medicare Supplements.

Medicare Information and Medicare supplement Insurance plans
American Seniors

Medicare supplement insurance website
National medicare Supplements
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