Leads - Direct Mail versus TeleMarketed ?


I am what I am . . .
5000 Post Club
Which do you personally prefer?

What about a "live transfer"? Where the prospect is solicited electronically and then transferred live to you - the waiting agent? Any body doing that now?

I strongly prefer referral leads.
The 'press 1' style leads are garbage.

dude....I know you are trying......but these stupid back and forth comparisons is not it......if you have value to add to a legit question is good....taking things that have been discussed to no ends and starting your own thread to get your sig out is not.....so come on.....do you really want to contribute......
So - no more seeking ideas from this place 'eh?

I have my own opinion of these lead types - I'm trying to see what works for others . . .


LOL @ getting sig out. Everyone has a sig Scott
I personally do not like direct mail leads because the turn around is small and of the ones that respond you have to scratch off quite a few. I like sources that provide a person that has already responded and they do all the leg work.