Linda Waves Hi


Hi everyone,

I'm a Google Local Consultant, but I'm not here to promote myself or anything like that. I'm so busy doing training for SEOs and agencies all over the world, that I seldom even have time to take on new clients myself these days.

But I'm a Google Top Contributor and work with Google directly on the Google Local side of things, so I like to just jump around and help folks with Local Search best practices when I can, because there is just so much misinformation out there. Plus so many are frustrated and confused by all the Google Places changes, so I find I can often help clear some of the confusion.

I've made a few posts here trying to help when I can, and thought it was about time I stopped here to introduce myself. Looks like a nice, tight knit community!

Linda Buquet
Thanks for the warm welcome!



Oh forgot to mention in my intro...

In a previous life I was an Insurance Agent. That was like 30 years ago.
It was my 1st job in sales - Met Life.

I hated cold calling, so I didn't last very long. :no:

Man, you guys have some crazy smilies at this forum. I like them. :yes:
Chumps says hi and sends some of our snow to her in Ca.

Thanks Chumps I WANT snow and miss it! I know it sounds weird to hear that if you are stuck in it. I grew up in midwest and Colo so miss the snow.

But it's been 70 - 80 here all winter. Weird since rest of country it having such a severe winter.