Looking for a FMO


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
I have only dabbled in the annuity market and am looking for a good fmo. Any suggestions?
I have only dabbled in the annuity market and am looking for a good fmo. Any suggestions?

There are a great deal of options to choose from, and you will find a plethora of IMO's on this site. I would suggest that you first determine how much support you will require, as that is a big indicator as to what FMO or IMO to go with. Again the problem with most FMO, NMO, IMO's is that they keep so much of the total comp. If you are new to the business in general and need leads and things such as that; I would suggest you contacting a guy buy the name of Brad on this site that goes by the call name of WIN. He has a new annuity marketing idea that I think justifies trying to find him.

It again depends on a number of different factors, and be leary of anybody saying that they provide anything "FREE" to you. Everything has a cost, and these costs are considerable.
When choosing an FMO it it's important to identify the services you will require from your FMO as William has stated above. If this is going to be side business to your established book, it is critically for your FMO to educate you on a variety of products. Most FMO look to push you on one or two specific fixed products and or EIA products. Like anything in the insurance space you will need to understand what markeplace you hope to enter into and additionally what type of product you are looking for depending on your clients needs. Some products are better for deferral while others might be better for income. Don't get into the trap of trying to push a square peg in a round hole. If you are interested in speaking with partner who wants to assist you in growing your book. Please feel free to contact me.

Andrew Sheen
Senior Vice President
CDA of America
CDA International
Phone (561) 683-3030 Fax (561) 687-5999
[email protected]
Im looking for an FMO IMO or SWF lol.. NO but seriously, i am making my site now, and I want annuities, life, ltc (senior options) to be part of my bag, its the new wave baby. I have another FMO for health, but im looking for one if someone has something to offer Im up for it, pm me or email me please. Thank You (ohio and california btw)
Re: Looking for a FMO?

Did you find a FMO? If so which one did you go with? I have been looking to change and finally picked "Legacy Brokerage" out of Kansas, talk to Curtis Hawks. Bright guy and has helped me take my business to the next level. Great compensation.

Im looking for an FMO IMO or SWF lol.. NO but seriously, i am making my site now, and I want annuities, life, ltc (senior options) to be part of my bag, its the new wave baby. I have another FMO for health, but im looking for one if someone has something to offer Im up for it, pm me or email me please. Thank You (ohio and california btw)