Looking for Best FMO for Texas

I am a general life and health agent in Texas and I would like to find the best FMO that would also allow me to work from home on the phone (and keeping up with training would be a benefit as well). I know most (if not all) policies can be sold over the phone and esigned through join.me or another service that allows people to be able to join screens (and there is also faxing that would work as well). I have the ability to start quickly and can make pay my bills as well for several months while it gets going. I have looked and searched and I find good things about some but recently (which recent is most important) they have had problems and I would like it to be smooth, honest and easy to get started.

Please, any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Which market would you like to focus on?

Honestly anything that works for being able to sell over the phone that falls into general lines life health accident and hmo in Texas I am open and willing to sharpen skills needed in any area. I would like to get things going while I have the resources available. Thank you.
I have been working with EZ Life Sales for a month or two now and they have saved me quite a bit of time on some of my term cases, F2F and over the phone.
I have been working with EZ Life Sales for a month or two now and they have saved me quite a bit of time on some of my term cases, F2F and over the phone.

Thank you, I will look into it. I had a wedding that I was in and have been busy the past couple days. I appreciate this and any other help people can offer... I want to help others and also be able to take care of my family so anything that anyone suggests will help me greatly. Thank you.
Whatever is the best and smoothest to do would be best, I like to help everyone.

From continually reading the forum, looks like Med sups with FE as an add on would be a fairly ideal situation.

I am really wanting to do the most good as well as support my family and I would like to get to a point where I am not using financial reserves as soon as possible, I am sure that makes sense.

Again any an all help is appreciated and I will look into everything I get. I have found quite a few links on my own and have researched ones that I can find on here, and elsewhere (here first) to see their standing. As I said before several that used to be good are now not coming across so well, so eventhough it may be on here old good news may not fair so well with their present standing.

I am looking for the most resent and most positive information, so I am able to find the best at home option. I would really prefer not to be 30 or more miles away if something were to happen and I need to pic up a sick kid from school.

Thank you again for all your help.