Making Choices


I'm just curious about something. I suppose this question isn't necessarily for folks working with an IMO for, say, FEX and having access to a quote engine that spits out the lowest price or something. But I'm not excluding you..

My question is more for those contracted with individual carriers. If you have, for instance, three carriers in your arsenal and you're sitting with a client, do you do the same sort of thing running the info through all three quoting tools? Or do you just have a good idea of what they offer and lead with your favorite? (Not supposed to have favorites, they say...).

What about trade shows? Do you just set it up under the agency name and have everyone's brochures and swag available? Or do you spring for the NY Life table skirt at the first trade show and the National Life table skirt two months later at the next one?
My question is more for those contracted with individual carriers. If you have, for instance, three carriers in your arsenal and you're sitting with a client, do you do the same sort of thing running the info through all three quoting tools? Or do you just have a good idea of what they offer and lead with your favorite?
I don't use IMO quoting tools. I have my own.

I use FexQuotes to lead with. If I need to go deeper I use the carrier quotes.
I'm just curious about something. I suppose this question isn't necessarily for folks working with an IMO for, say, FEX and having access to a quote engine that spits out the lowest price or something. But I'm not excluding you..

My question is more for those contracted with individual carriers. If you have, for instance, three carriers in your arsenal and you're sitting with a client, do you do the same sort of thing running the info through all three quoting tools? Or do you just have a good idea of what they offer and lead with your favorite? (Not supposed to have favorites, they say...).

What about trade shows? Do you just set it up under the agency name and have everyone's brochures and swag available? Or do you spring for the NY Life table skirt at the first trade show and the National Life table skirt two months later at the next one?
I think this really depends on how you sell and where you get your leads.

I approach a referral differently than someone who requests info from one of my websites.

I use winflex for permanent options with CV or hybrid LTC and compulife for term/GUL. For DI, I use the carrier sites.

For term/GUL, I'll show multiple quotes/classes but then always make a recommendation based on what I think is best for the client. For the rest, I may show a few carriers if it's someone I don't know just to show them that I shopped the case but I'll only present (go in depth) one carrier/solution.

I don't do trade shows but everything I have is branded for the agency and any swag that I send is also my agency. I give the carrier branded stuff to my kids.
My question is more for those contracted with individual carriers. If you have, for instance, three carriers in your arsenal and you're sitting with a client, do you do the same sort of thing running the info through all three quoting tools? Or do you just have a good idea of what they offer and lead with your favorite? (Not supposed to have favorites, they say...).

I chose my companies based on the problems I'm solving for the client. If it needs to be a term policy, I'm looking primarily at what the term will convert to in the company's product menu.

What about trade shows? Do you just set it up under the agency name and have everyone's brochures and swag available? Or do you spring for the NY Life table skirt at the first trade show and the National Life table skirt two months later at the next one?

Agency name... or rather my own name. (Apparently UPS lost this banner in shipping to me.) Always brand YOURSELF, unless you're with a captive career agency.

I think this really depends on how you sell and where you get your leads.

I approach a referral differently than someone who requests info from one of my websites.

I use winflex for permanent options with CV or hybrid LTC and compulife for term/GUL. For DI, I use the carrier sites.

For term/GUL, I'll show multiple quotes/classes but then always make a recommendation based on what I think is best for the client. For the rest, I may show a few carriers if it's someone I don't know just to show them that I shopped the case but I'll only present (go in depth) one carrier/solution.

I don't do trade shows but everything I have is branded for the agency and any swag that I send is also my agency. I give the carrier branded stuff to my kids.
Almost exactly this. Including showing multiple carriers and options along with my recommendations. Same if traditional or 'FE' for me.

@Tahoe Ray - Compulife - do you have an issue with getting locked out due to 'to many browsers' on your cell?