MA's Versus Medsupps


I don't know what an MA pays or if it is desireable niche. Just started with medsupps, really like so far. Any input as far as making a dollar with either of the two is appreciated!
Search the senior insurance forum and spend a few hours reading. This subject has been discussed and argued for months (maybe years).

The first thing I'd say is that this thread is in the wrong forum.

Seriously, take some time and read up on this subject. I write both supps and ma plans. Different products for different people.

MA are easier to place and the initial commission is usually a little more if you sell to someone new to them. Renewals are questionable.

Med Supps pay almost as much commission during the first year and keep paying the same amount for usually six years.

In the long run I feel that there is a lot more money to be made selling Med Supps. Med Supps have been around since their inception in 1990. Medicare Part C plans have been in constant flux for the last four years. Their future seems to be a lot less certain right now than that of Med Supps.

I don't sell MA plans, I only sell Med Supps. Much less hassle and a lot more money in my opinion.
its good to have both. when working in medicare i believe that its in the best interest to get the client on a med sup. but you are going to run into people that just cant afford the premiums. there s no reason to do the work and let someone else get a sale because they couldnt afford a med supp. the up front comm is higher on advantage plans and renewals are not the greatest. but every Nov you can contact your clients to make sure that the MA their using is still the one that fits them. and if not help them find a plan that works with their situation better. the MA plans change every year so there is good money in them.

But by all means if they can afford a med supp thats exactly what they should be on.
I don't know what an MA pays or if it is desireable niche. Just started with medsupps, really like so far. Any input as far as making a dollar with either of the two is appreciated!
You can try reading the senior insurance forum. That will refresh your mind.