Med Supps and Pre Existing Conditions



The new Obama care package is supposed to eliminate denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions starting in 2014.

Does that mean that we will be able to sell a Med Supp to anyone who wants one, regardless of their current health status or their PEC? I haven't seen anything that excludes the med supp industry from the Healthcare Reform Bill.
The new Obama care package is supposed to eliminate denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions starting in 2014.

Does that mean that we will be able to sell a Med Supp to anyone who wants one, regardless of their current health status or their PEC? I haven't seen anything that excludes the med supp industry from the Healthcare Reform Bill.

You can sell Med Supps now without having to ask any or virtually no health questions. Med Supps do not fall under the definition in the legislation you are referring to.
You can sell Med Supps now without having to ask any or virtually no health questions. Med Supps do not fall under the definition in the legislation you are referring to.

Unless you're over 65 without a SEP. Just wrote 3 N plans for over 65's that lost coverage with an employer. That normally sets up a SEP with no health questions... EXECPT for our N plan in FL. Now I have to go back & ask health questions OR go to another plan that is GI (which is all of them other than N but more expensive or less benefits).

Which brings me to MY question; will the MoO N plan be GI in FL? It hasn't been approved yet but wondered if anyone had info on that yet? OOPS... Just remembered - there's only one health question so if it isn't, 99% of the people don't have ESRD & will qualify anyway. Nevermind.
Just wrote 3 N plans for over 65's that lost coverage with an employer. That normally sets up a SEP with no health questions... EXECPT for our N plan in FL. Now I have to go back & ask health questions OR go to another plan that is GI (which is all of them other than N but more expensive or less benefits).

Am I missing something here?? Coming off an employer group plan triggers a Federal SEP which is GI of a med supp?
I can't remember the last time I sold a med supp and the applicant didn't have prior coverage.

What I'm referring to is replacing one med supp with another. Either to save the prospect money or to get them a more comprehensive plan.

In that case they'd have to be underwritten.
Unless you're over 65 without a SEP. Just wrote 3 N plans for over 65's that lost coverage with an employer. That normally sets up a SEP with no health questions... EXECPT for our N plan in FL. Now I have to go back & ask health questions OR go to another plan that is GI (which is all of them other than N but more expensive or less benefits).

Which brings me to MY question; will the MoO N plan be GI in FL? It hasn't been approved yet but wondered if anyone had info on that yet? OOPS... Just remembered - there's only one health question so if it isn't, 99% of the people don't have ESRD & will qualify anyway. Nevermind.

Your flag indicates you are in Florida. Plan N with MOO has not been approved yet in FL. I think it would be difficult to write a Plan N at this time.

In Florida anyone coming off of a group plan will have GI, whether or not they make the choice to drop it or the group has discontinued the plan.

Plan N will be GI except for the ESRD question with MOO in Florida as soon as it is approved and released.
Your flag indicates you are in Florida. Plan N with MOO has not been approved yet in FL. I think it would be difficult to write a Plan N at this time.

In Florida anyone coming off of a group plan will have GI, whether or not they make the choice to drop it or the group has discontinued the plan.

Plan N will be GI except for the ESRD question with MOO in Florida as soon as it is approved and released.

It really isn't difficult to write N plans here in FL. I've written 5 in the last 2 weeks (obviously not with MoO). And, if you notice, I did say that the N plan hadn't been released yet for MoO here in FL (better put your specs on when you're reading these posts, Frank). Our N plan is the only one of all the sups we offer that isn't GI after age 65. Even if you're coming off a group plan and have the letter saying when your coverage is ending, it isn't GI. (Another reason why I'll be leaving Big B soon). And yes, DS4, you do have a GI Medicare SEP when coming off an employers plan no matter what age after 65. Correct me if I'm wrong, Frank, but I believe they would have a 63 day window to exercise that option (pg 24 in the new 2010 medicare guide book).