Medical Marijuana


1000 Post Club
Vero Beach
Hey guys, another one for the peanut gallery!

I am seeing more and more people that are prescribed medical Marijuana for things like depression and Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic Pain, etc...


What carriers are giving Level Coverage for Medical Maryjane?
And Graded?
Im for it.
Seen it used by a vet for PTSD with some positive results.
Sadly, these results are short term. But, they could save a persons LIFE!
As a client regarding application:
If I was asked if I used tobacco I would answer "No" if I didn't use tobacco.
If I was asked about illegal drugs and I had a medical card I would answer "No".
If I was asked about smoking and I only used edibles I would answer "No"
If asked if I use MMJ they might squeeze a "Yes" out of me.