Medical Underwriting?


New Member
Hi, I'm a 63-year old man, and I'm looking for a fixed, immediate, lifetime annuity. Because I have risk factors (diabetes and obesity), I'm wondering whether I would do better with a company that offers medical underwriting. Vanguard used to offer it, but they don't any more. Does anybody know of a company that still does?
Vanguard isn't an insurance company but they probably offered the product through a broker arrangement. Not many agents know about them, but they do still exist.

A local (your state) agent that is knowledgeable in impaired risk annuities is your best shot.
A SPIA has medical underwriting?

Some carriers do it. Haven't run into it in a while but it is out there.

I bet Nick or Rick will know and can provide some direction.
SPIA is designed to protect people from outliving their retirement money. It only makes sense that those who are sicker get more payments.

You mean BIGGER payments, Franz? Payouts are based on actuarial tables, no? They don't determine payouts individually.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
You mean BIGGER payments, Franz? Payouts are based on actuarial tables, no? They don't determine payouts individually.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Normally they just refer to the table based on age and gender. With medically underwritten annuities, they review health which may result in a higher payout for an individual with a low life expectancy.

Again, it almost never gets sold, so not much to worry about.