I was looking over this website and was wndering if anybody has used these leads with any success? I don't know much about medsups but I know initial commission is less than life ins. So does it make sense to pay for presets at $25 to $35 for medsup appointments?
First off, you're not looking at the big picture on med supps. It's not the first year commission you should be focusing on. It's the renewal. Sure you make more on a $50 per month life sale. But how much do you make on that life sale in years 2-6?
The beauty of med supps is that you build a book of renewals which means you're not starting over every January. It's nice to be able to take a few weeks off and know that you still have a good income coming in. Secondly, seniors are by and large VERY loyal and appreciative of the service you provide. Assuming of course you always do what is best for them.
As for whether or not this lead service is worthwhile, that is entirely up to the individual. I personally wouldn't pay that much for a lead.
In my experience I believe that you will be very disappointed with the quality and results you receive from the "presets".
Sman is right. It is way, way too much money. Your ROI will be very low and you may go broke before realizing the true potential selling Med Supps have to offer.
I have yet to discover any kind of "lead" that I felt was really worth the money.