Mercury Insurance Question


Doing research on competitors in my area and I have a question.

I'm in California and on the DOI site I can search which carriers local agents are appointed with. A couple of local agents are lists as Mercury agents on Mercury website and on the agents website but when I cross reference the CA DOI website the agency, agent and or endorsed agents licenses Mercury Causality is not listed. What is up? How can you sell mercury but the company is not listed on the agent DOI license? What am i missing?

I know as a new and even seasoned agents it next to impossible to become appointed with mercury. However, does anyone have a comment on the 'accept all brokers' pathway to Mercury. Is it a good idea as a new agent to stay away from this.

Is commission different and will the relationship be impossible?
I have also been doing some research on mercury lately as they seem to be one of the low price providers for Cali. I am wondering who offers mercury meaning wholesalers. I want to be able to offer mercury insurance to my clients.
AIS kept mercury from going all AGENTs and no brokers. Now that AIS is wholly owned by Mercury General Ins Group - no more brokerage contracts :-)

All brokers will likely be terminated.

Most all brokers who forced mercury to accept them as a broker will NEVER see an agent contract.

Brokers had binding authority removed and were paid 5% commission.

Mercury uses No Wholesalers that I am aware of.

You can thank an attorney for ruining a good potential thing.

Doing research on competitors in my area and I have a question.

I'm in California and on the DOI site I can search which carriers local agents are appointed with. A couple of local agents are lists as Mercury agents on Mercury website and on the agents website but when I cross reference the CA DOI website the agency, agent and or endorsed agents licenses Mercury Causality is not listed. What is up? How can you sell mercury but the company is not listed on the agent DOI license? What am i missing?

I know as a new and even seasoned agents it next to impossible to become appointed with mercury. However, does anyone have a comment on the 'accept all brokers' pathway to Mercury. Is it a good idea as a new agent to stay away from this.

Is commission different and will the relationship be impossible?
I thought I read somewhere that mercury was giving 17-18% commission, but maybe that was in the past?

So there is basically no way to sell mercury insurance now? Who else can compete with them on price where you can actually get appointed?

Commerce West?
Ive had friends in the business with contracts as high as 20%. AIS of course was there and then some. I watched George Joseph hand the former owner of AIS a 1.3m contingency check the year they sold it. I think it was a Thank You for putting Merc on the map and keeping them there thru the hard times.

Mercury is only going to issue AGENT contracts. They dont work thru wholesalers at all to my knowledge

Getting appointed in CA is going to be tuff. Might consider another state and opening a CA location ... as a backdoor.

Back to the commissions ... Mercury has a very lucrative performance based contingency and commission program, tightly tied to claims handling and loss ratio's. If yo're able to string together a few good years of Growth, and low losses - you could earn increased points over the standard 15%. They used to have a high risk carrier you could dump your low quality accounts and let them season for a few years before working them into your more preferred Mercury tiers. Essentially charge the right premium for the right risk.

That nincompoop attorney Krummie ruined all that with his Broker Fee agent and binding authority suit.

Now merc just lumped all the bad drivers from the other carrier and into the general and preferrred carrier tiers and modified the commission structure and contingency plans.

Between Krummie and the tard Elliot [ have ya seen my teenage ho' ] Spitzer ... not sure who the bigger A-Hole is ...

Better of just learning the weak points of mercury's form and competing around the price.

We're mercury agents for 40 some odd years here.

I thought I read somewhere that mercury was giving 17-18% commission, but maybe that was in the past?

So there is basically no way to sell mercury insurance now? Who else can compete with them on price where you can actually get appointed?

Commerce West?