Missouri UOO Rate Increase

Just got the word.

Plan A, G, F... 20%, Plan J... 12% effective May 1, 2010.

Colorado will see similar increases. It is worth noting that these are for the "Standardized" plans. I haven't seen the Modernized rates for Colorado yet. Perhaps they will be flat to lower, which would mean they are trying to push customers to Modernized plans.
Colorado will see similar increases. It is worth noting that these are for the "Standardized" plans. I haven't seen the Modernized rates for Colorado yet. Perhaps they will be flat to lower, which would mean they are trying to push customers to Modernized plans.

As I have said to others, if you are contracted with one of the MOO companies I'm very surprised you don't already have the rates for the new plans they have filed in CO. My agents had them over a week ago.

If you would like a copy please send me your e-mail address and I will forward them to you.