Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement

Gerber is underwritten by MOO. Just more junk.

So in a thread about the different names in which MoO has offered a Med Supp you state the following:

"In Wisconsin, they have used United World, United of Omaha, Gerber Life, and now back to MOO."

MoO doesn't own Gerber so they can't offer a Gerber product. You then come back and say what you said above about it being underwritten by MoO. Still not correct.

Gerber pays MoO to administer the Gerber Med Supp. Meaning, MoO gets paid a fee. Gerber is the one who decides their underwriting rules. Gerber is the one who decides on rate increases. Gerber is the one who makes or loses money on the Med Supp. MoO gets paid either way.

It's ok for you to not know everything. None of us do. But at least some of us know we don't know everything. You on the other hand...
Gerber is underwritten by MOO. Just more junk.

Explain how AARP is an insurance company underwritten by UHC.

For $20/mo I know of an association you can join where you might actually have the opportunity to learn something about Medicare. A bit of ethics could also rub off on you but that may be a longshot.

Explain how AARP is an insurance company underwritten by UHC.

For $20/mo I know of an association you can join where you might actually have the opportunity to learn something about Medicare. A bit of ethics could also rub off on you but that may be a longshot.


He's a captive guy. He knows all he needs to know to sell his carrier. He's also pretty self-righteous so not sure he even thinks there is anything he could learn.