Name This Annuity Company/product. No Cap? A+ Rating


100+ Post Club
5% up front bonus
No Cap 100% participation rate
A+ Carrier
10% Commission 0-75 and 8% 76-80

North American? Not too many have an A+ rating.

???? Who is this? The only thing I am aware of with 100% participation and no cap is Annexus and there is a fee to the client for no cap.
Got this as an email from an FMO. I will not mention the name. Not many insurance companies have a real A+ rating.
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Pretty sure it's American National. There's no cap because they have to lock in the rates and it's a one-shot deal. Client gets to choose when to lock in the rates. I'd have to go back and look at it again, but I think it's called the Value Lock. They are an A rated company though, not A+. Something is missing here.
Yes it does sound like the Value Lock 10, and yes Anico is not A+, they are A

Someone recently asked this question and in the annuity forum and it was the same thing, the FMO was basicly combining a few products in the advertisement to make it look more attractive.

*The thread was "Who has up to 10% Commission" where this exact situation was discussed.
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I wouldn't want to use this product because you would have to wait it out for a while. Imagine in year two getting a say 16% return. Who do you think is going to be calling you to ask if they should lock in the rate? Yeah the client.

Then year 6 you get another big return, say 20%. Now your a jacka$$ because they locked it in. Once it is locked in it only grows at the fixed rate, which could be the minimum.

I don't like it at all. Too many variables for a client to get mad at me and tell their friends.

Any other opinions??????? Pros or cons???
How much is the name of that annuity company worth to you?:cool:

it's the Anico value lock 10.

Here's is also the catch. You put in 100k. Year two say you get a 22% return. You lock it in. Year 5 the client wants to surrender. All those gains are prorated. The surrender charges are huge on this I believe. Remember, if they don't get you one way they will get you another. The Devil is in the details. This product to me is like trying to hit a moving target. I almost called about this product the other day till I talked to my partner who already said don't bother.

Has anyone done one of these?