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Hi everyone - I just joined NAMSA and found out that they have a video available for educational purposes. I am sending this information and related info to my client base, so that they can take action, if they choose to, prior to upcoming budget talks on Capitol Hill in 2014. The following is the text to my e-mail if anyone would like to utilize it:
"I wanted to let you know that I've joined an organizationthat is very involved in getting the word out about various policy changes toMedicare that are being discussed as a part of budget talks.
These are going to come up again in 2014, and I think it'simperative that we all assist in letting people know, so that they cancontact their congressional representatives and make their views known.
If you can – do watch this video. It addresses thebasis for many proposals in congress. All are directed at the consumer"over utilizing" services because they "have good insurance". This isactually not based in fact, but here are reports out that proponents of thislegislation use as "a basis for proof" – even when the research isflawed. Overutilization is not driven by the insurance itself, sinceMedicare supplements cannot pay until Medicare approves something as medicallynecessary. Most of these reports also don't distinguish between types ofservices being used – identifying life-saving cancer care or heart surgery, vs.too many unnecessary trips to a doctor. So, take a look – it's abeginning. . . . .
Medicare Outrage on Vimeo
This video gives a good overview of what may be proposed –it's been talked about a lot & would fundamentally change Medicareitself & possibly hurt choices that Medicare beneficiaries now have toshelter themselves from financial hardship (in the form of insurance).
People who are interested in signing a petition about thiscan go to: http://rescuemedicarenow.com/petition
I would suggest people actually call their congressionalrepresentatives, as well. http://www.ahipcoverage.com/contact-congress/
I'll be sending this e-mail to my other clients too,to let them know what is happening "behind the scenes".
I think that you could share this information in yourfriends and others who may be affected by changes to Medicare. This hashuge implications for people going forward – especially since the way it'sbeing talked about is so casual and may just get "slipped" into a budget bill –no voting, no discussion, nothing . . . .
I appreciate you taking the time to read this & look atthe information.
Let me know if you have questions.'
I'm already getting positive responses from client's I've sent this to - so, I think it may provide helpful information, while allowing you to reach out to customers as an expert one more time.
p.s. - sorry for some of the formatting issues - when I 'cut & pasted' the message, I lost some spacing, etc. - so be sure to correct before sending the message out. thanks.
"I wanted to let you know that I've joined an organizationthat is very involved in getting the word out about various policy changes toMedicare that are being discussed as a part of budget talks.
These are going to come up again in 2014, and I think it'simperative that we all assist in letting people know, so that they cancontact their congressional representatives and make their views known.
If you can – do watch this video. It addresses thebasis for many proposals in congress. All are directed at the consumer"over utilizing" services because they "have good insurance". This isactually not based in fact, but here are reports out that proponents of thislegislation use as "a basis for proof" – even when the research isflawed. Overutilization is not driven by the insurance itself, sinceMedicare supplements cannot pay until Medicare approves something as medicallynecessary. Most of these reports also don't distinguish between types ofservices being used – identifying life-saving cancer care or heart surgery, vs.too many unnecessary trips to a doctor. So, take a look – it's abeginning. . . . .
Medicare Outrage on Vimeo
This video gives a good overview of what may be proposed –it's been talked about a lot & would fundamentally change Medicareitself & possibly hurt choices that Medicare beneficiaries now have toshelter themselves from financial hardship (in the form of insurance).
People who are interested in signing a petition about thiscan go to: http://rescuemedicarenow.com/petition
I would suggest people actually call their congressionalrepresentatives, as well. http://www.ahipcoverage.com/contact-congress/
I'll be sending this e-mail to my other clients too,to let them know what is happening "behind the scenes".
I think that you could share this information in yourfriends and others who may be affected by changes to Medicare. This hashuge implications for people going forward – especially since the way it'sbeing talked about is so casual and may just get "slipped" into a budget bill –no voting, no discussion, nothing . . . .
I appreciate you taking the time to read this & look atthe information.
Let me know if you have questions.'
I'm already getting positive responses from client's I've sent this to - so, I think it may provide helpful information, while allowing you to reach out to customers as an expert one more time.
p.s. - sorry for some of the formatting issues - when I 'cut & pasted' the message, I lost some spacing, etc. - so be sure to correct before sending the message out. thanks.