Need an Independent Agent in Florida


I have a client who recently moved (along with his entire family) to Florida. I am licensed in PA and several other states including Florida, but I do not know the market (flood insurance and good home endorsements) nor do I have any companies that will write homeowners in FL. This is a gateway opportunity to write this bundled auto/home policy from a client who knows and trusts me. I also had all of his family's insurance here in PA and I'm confident I can get all of that back if the rates are competitive. I know it isn't a huge offer (especially since we would be splitting the commission in some form) but there is at least $10,000 worth of auto/home premium alone, plus I have all the information needed to quote as well as the target premium we need to beat (or at least come close to). If anyone is interested in working with me on this, please email me at steve (at) kaskyinsurance (dot) com.

One more wrench...this all needs to be in place by July 23rd. I looking forward to a mutually beneficial relationship!
