Need Help with Health Insurance


New Member
I am a 33 yr old female in pretty good overall health. I live in California and was previously covered on my spouse's state employee Blue Cross PPO plan (paying about $45 a month) from 2007-2010 when his contract ended. Under that plan, I saw an eye doctor who diagnosed me with borderline glaucoma, and I had a couple visits to doctors for sinus infections and some random moles removed that were benign. Since then, we have been covered under Assurant short-term policies.

He just took a job where the health coverage choices include Kaiser HMO ($600/month) and Anthem HMO ($750/month) for both of us to be covered (their other options would be way too expensive for us to consider). If we just cover him, they both drop down to under $50 a month.

I would like to get an individual policy but I am worried I would be denied coverage. I was given a diagnosis in 2000 of mitral valve prolapse (had an echocardiogram and other tests done) and told to premedicate with dental work. Since then, I have not seen another cardiologist. I did go to see a doctor in 2008 for a cold/sinus infection and she decided after listening to my chest to give me an EEG which was fine. Other than that, I have a history (pre-2005) of doctor's visits for reproductive area stuff (abnormal bleeding, pain, UTIs, etc). I have not been to an OB-Gyn since 2005. I have been managing all these issues on my own, but would seek care for them under a new policy.

Do you think given my history that I could qualify for individual health coverage? If so, which carrier and would it be cheaper or better coverage than what I can get with Anthem or Kaiser HMO? If I should go with his employee coverage, should I pick Kaiser or Anthem?
