Need Ideas, Independent Agent Omaha Nebraska


New Member
I am a new independent agent for P&C and also Life/Health. Need ideas from seasoned agents that have been in the business for a while on how I can be successful in this business. I am tired of wasting time and money on wrong marketing approaches and getting frustrated at times.
Zimbo, you can either listen to the remarkable minority, or the mediocre majority...

If you do the same old, tired, "me too" stuff - you'll get the same minimal results that most do.

Have the courage to do something unconventional.
Moonlight...I have been a part of this forum for months now and have heard you say similar things the whole time, but not once can I remember a time when you actually told us what you specifically do. I very well might have missed it, or maybe you don't want to share. Can you let us in on what you do?

Moonlight...I have been a part of this forum for months now and have heard you say similar things the whole time, but not once can I remember a time when you actually told us what you specifically do. might I very well might have missed it, or maybe you don't want to share. Can you let us in on what you do?

I've done extensive posts on it, and really don't have the time to re-post it.

In addition Chris, I thought your screen name looked familiar. You sent me a PM in March, and I responded with contact info.

Never heard anything further from you...