Need to Find Some Money for a Client?


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Had an interesting deal go down yesterday. Met with a client and he stated he had just bought a car two days ago and there was no way he could afford another $60 per month payment, which is what he needed for a 10K policy. I asked him where he bought the car and when he told me I knew they were famous for sticking in and not disclosing credit life and warranties.

So I asked the guy if I could show him how to save some money on his car payment would he be able to purchase the policy and he said yes. I asked him to see his contract and he said it was in the car so I offered to go out and get it for him.

He had financed $9750 on a car with 104,000 miles on it. That amount included $1995 for a warranty, $575 for gap inusrance and $370 for credit life. I told him removing that would save him about $60 per month. He didn't believe me and asked me to come back next week. I said I couldnt do that as I was going to be on vacation. I then picked up the phone called the dealership and told him to ask for the finance manager and give him permission to discuss the numbers with me, which he did.

The manager told me on the speaker phone his payment would go from $249 per month to $187 per month. He cancelled the extras and bought my policy.

I then replaced his girlfriends policy for her. She pulled out $1325 in cash and had her policy go up $3 per month.

Sometimes the ones that require a little more work are much more fun. I knew the F&I manager who had sold the stuff and he is a real dickhead. I cost him aobut $700 by getting the client to cancel his add ons!
Had an interesting deal go down yesterday. Met with a client and he stated he had just bought a car two days ago and there was no way he could afford another $60 per month payment, which is what he needed for a 10K policy. I asked him where he bought the car and when he told me I knew they were famous for sticking in and not disclosing credit life and warranties.

So I asked the guy if I could show him how to save some money on his car payment would he be able to purchase the policy and he said yes. I asked him to see his contract and he said it was in the car so I offered to go out and get it for him.

He had financed $9750 on a car with 104,000 miles on it. That amount included $1995 for a warranty, $575 for gap inusrance and $370 for credit life. I told him removing that would save him about $60 per month. He didn't believe me and asked me to come back next week. I said I couldnt do that as I was going to be on vacation. I then picked up the phone called the dealership and told him to ask for the finance manager and give him permission to discuss the numbers with me, which he did.

The manager told me on the speaker phone his payment would go from $249 per month to $187 per month. He cancelled the extras and bought my policy.

I then replaced his girlfriends policy for her. She pulled out $1325 in cash and had her policy go up $3 per month.

Sometimes the ones that require a little more work are much more fun. I knew the F&I manager who had sold the stuff and he is a real dickhead. I cost him aobut $700 by getting the client to cancel his add ons!

I didnt work in F&I when I sold cars, but I know what the warranty & gap insurance is for....whats credit life tho?
I didnt work in F&I when I sold cars, but I know what the warranty & gap insurance is for....whats credit life tho?

It is similar to a decreasing benefit life insurance policy that pays the car off if the owner/ person who has the loan dies before the vehicle is paid off. Overpriced garbage IMO, I never sold that crap while in F&I. Lienholders like it though.
Ooohhhhhhhh....what a rip off! At most 1 person out 5000 die in the next 5yrs while paying off a car! Wow, they are making it hand over foot....Im in the wrong biz! LoL
Ooohhhhhhhh....what a rip off! At most 1 person out 5000 die in the next 5yrs while paying off a car! Wow, they are making it hand over foot....Im in the wrong biz! LoL

Credit life is something you should have studied to get your license. It most cases it isn't worth getting.
I used to sell new motorcycles and the credit life was not a great deal on reducing term life insurance but was a very small part of the motorcycle loan payment. Most people took it.

I remember a young pregnant widow came in to have me sell her husband's new motorcycle he had bought and financed with me. He had been killed in a car wreck. She was just trying to get the bike sold to get out from under the loan payment. When I explained that the loan is to be paid off from the credit life and I could hand her a check for $6,500 today (wholesale value of the bike) she couldn't believe it. She was expecting to make payments on the bike until it sold and then just break even paying off the bike.

The credit life on that loan added around $4 monthly to the payment.

Some things aren't likely or a great value, but really work well for their intended purpose.
I used to sell new motorcycles and the credit life was not a great deal on reducing term life insurance but was a very small part of the motorcycle loan payment. Most people took it.

I remember a young pregnant widow came in to have me sell her husband's new motorcycle he had bought and financed with me. He had been killed in a car wreck. She was just trying to get the bike sold to get out from under the loan payment. When I explained that the loan is to be paid off from the credit life and I could hand her a check for $6,500 today (wholesale value of the bike) she couldn't believe it. She was expecting to make payments on the bike until it sold and then just break even paying off the bike.

The credit life on that loan added around $4 monthly to the payment.

Some things aren't likely or a great value, but really work well for their intended purpose.

Ok I get paying the bike off....but why would they pay it off AND give her a check?
Ok I get paying the bike off....but why would they pay it off AND give her a check?

I bought the motorcycle from her. I was always needing more used motorcycles and she had one to sell.

Solved all her problem PLUS gave me inventory and she got a check she wasn't expecting.