New Agent/Advisor? Might find this helpful


I found this to be helpful. Having a history with a captive insurance company, I wish I knew this before I even considered joining. I got burned and it wasn't pretty. I can happily say I have been an independent agent for the past three years, but I wish I knew the information covered on this website before I left all my "project 200" family/friends with the other company.

Check out this post.

An Employment Scam in the Financial Services Industry > HOME
All I can say is learning experiences don't always have to be positive. Many of the agents here started captive. Usually the advantage to captive is the training you receive. Hopefully that was the case for you. It was for me.

Education sometimes comes at a cost. My ten years as a captive was probably like most here. Not all that much fun. Yet, the insurance education I received prepared me for going on my own better than if I had just started out on my own.

I think most who have gone the route I have would agree. Some career companies teach you so well, you realize how stupid it is to be there. I am a better agent having gone through that route. I've been independent now for almost 20 years. I still use what I learned from that career company in my business today.
Fascinating link, isn't it? I'm glad I found it a couple of years ago. There's a lot of survival skills that simply aren't taught in these agencies. Unfortunately, it becomes up to US to figure it out for ourselves. (And these companies wonder why the independent agent channel is growing so much.)