New Agents Vs Veterans


New Member
Which is better to hire when building a new final expense agency?

Veterans or Newbies??

Anyone had experience with both.

Thanks in Advance
I know a guy who runs a very successful general agency who dislikes hiring veterans. He's not in the final expense business (FYI). His reason for seeking newbies comes from a sincere belief that veterans don't leave where they are unless there is serious displeasure, which usually stems from their lack of personal success. He would go as far to say that even if the company was falling down around them, if they were producing well, they'd likely stay put.

I know another person who had a general agency that ultimately did not succeed who spent a lot of time trying to recruit veterans, nothing ever really worked out.
"I know a guy"

who also realizes newbies crash and burn at a much higher rate, but the policies they do write stay with him.

There's also guys who believe an agent should be deep in debt, just so they're motivated.

Veterans know B S when they hear it another reason to hire newbies.
Hmn... Why don't you hire a mix of both, since there are advantages and disadvantages for both newbies and veterans.

Veterans are really expensive to keep. But they know their stuff and can help train the new ones. Just make sure you get those who are not arrogant and not boastful about their experience.

The newbies are great for cost-efficient reasons. They are eager to learn, and after a while, they'd be experts themselves.

I guess a mix of both is healthy. You can run your company on merely newbies. You also can't run on merely veterans because they have really high expectations, get discontented a bit quickly, and are more of a flight risk because they know their worth in the industry.