New Aviva Fixed Annuity


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Have you seen the new Aviva fixed annuity? Aviva Spirit Bonus with Income Edge Rider

Here are some of the highlights:

7.2% compound rollup

If the client dies, the beneficiary gets the rollup amount and not the accumulated value. This is huge!

8% upfront bonus in years 1-2

Income doubler

7% commish...

If positioned properly, this product can be a useful tool for income and for passing on their money.

Good Luck!
Have you seen the new Aviva fixed annuity? Aviva Spirit Bonus with Income Edge Rider

Here are some of the highlights:

7.2% compound rollup

If the client dies, the beneficiary gets the rollup amount and not the accumulated value. This is huge!

8% upfront bonus in years 1-2

Income doubler

7% commish...

If positioned properly, this product can be a useful tool for income and for passing on their money.

Good Luck!

How quickly we forget about the 2009 Aviva; with respect to annuities.

It is a good product; I have to agree.
I think we let the past go but never forget what happened and never be married to one carrier, spread the business wround!!!!!!!

Is this the same thing? Gotta say those crediting rates reeaaalllly suck!

MNL has much better rates. I don't sell carriers who don't have at least an A rating, and after their bs I can't give Aviva higher than a C.

Ooooooh. Income account with a life rider. Gotta do better than that to get me back.:realmad:
The income benefit rider is not the real selling point on this fixed annuity.

When the clients die, the income rollup amount goes to the bene. and not the actual account value.

Agents are using this product for people who will not touch the money and will pass it on to their heirs. An 8% bonus and 7.2% rollup is not to shabby.

We are seeing a lot of action on this product and I have a feeling Aviva will not offer this product forever.
The income benefit rider is not the real selling point on this fixed annuity.

When the clients die, the income rollup amount goes to the bene. and not the actual account value.

Agents are using this product for people who will not touch the money and will pass it on to their heirs. An 8% bonus and 7.2% rollup is not to shabby.

We are seeing a lot of action on this product and I have a feeling Aviva will not offer this product forever.

How does it compare to LSW?
I was not under the impression that the regular Aviva rider had this feature. The way I understand it the IAV can be assumed by spousal bene., and they get the IAV in a payment stream if payments have not yet started. If payment s have begun, the spouse gets continued payments until IAV zeros out. I know the BPA from the Annexxus Group, written on Aviva paper has this feature even if income has been started, the remaining value of the IAV can be paid out over five years. I would think that is a huge deal and a better one. Also, Allianz has a better,IMO, rider for joint life payouts with qualified money...Aviva does not....still I HAD sold a lot of Aviva until they hung us little ole agents out to dry......

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