New from Atlanta, and Eager to Ge Started =)


New Member
Hi everyone, I'm Kenny and I just got my Life license a week ago and I am eager to get started.

I was introduced to the insurance industry by a company called (it's affiliated with and I was wondering if it's a reputable company to work for? The seem to have a pyramid market type of business model.

And I didn't know where to ask this, but what should I type in the search box to find some info regarding working as an independent agent and I want to find companies to appoint me with decent commission and little or no quotas (since I'm a newbi)? UNI is offering me 45% and once I get people under me they start to increase my commission.

I'm sorry for asking so many questions on an introduction page but I didn't want to add new post for topics that I could possibly find answers to on my own with a little guidance. Thank you and any help would be much appreciated. :)
Hi everyone, I'm Kenny and I just got my Life license a week ago and I am eager to get started.

I was introduced to the insurance industry by a company called (it's affiliated with and I was wondering if it's a reputable company to work for? The seem to have a pyramid market type of business model.

And I didn't know where to ask this, but what should I type in the search box to find some info regarding working as an independent agent and I want to find companies to appoint me with decent commission and little or no quotas (since I'm a newbi)? UNI is offering me 45% and once I get people under me they start to increase my commission.

I'm sorry for asking so many questions on an introduction page but I didn't want to add new post for topics that I could possibly find answers to on my own with a little guidance. Thank you and any help would be much appreciated. :)

45%? You are joking, right? Go independent. Enough said.

As an independent agent your quota is dictated by your bank (or wife! :D). You run your own business.

You need to be willing to read a lot, learn a lot, and work hard. I just looked at the website for UNI and I don't think I'd go near them...

Do you want a part-time, "side business" or do you want a career?
45%? You are joking, right? Go independent. Enough said.

As an independent agent your quota is dictated by your bank (or wife! :D). You run your own business.

You need to be willing to read a lot, learn a lot, and work hard. I just looked at the website for UNI and I don't think I'd go near them...

Do you want a part-time, "side business" or do you want a career?

I'm looking to go career, I even have a corporation setup to put the agency name under. I'm willing to do all it takes to make this a long lasting career with a focus on solid client base so I can live off of residuals 20years from now. :)

Any tips on a good company to get me started? I just spent close to 1k getting all the proper paper works for business... E&O.. Licenseing.... and so on so I'm pretty broke. Need to get started but don't know how to get appointed and who to get appointed with. I'll be working with a close knit community so mine and the companies I represent's reputation will be crucial, commission being secondary. Please help~ :err:
Stay where you are. Get the lower commissions, get the training, get the confidence, THEN go out on your own.

The others are just jealous that #6 has managed far better than anyone else for the past 19 years.

I'm in the Perimeter Mall area. Contact me with any questions.
Braves off tonight, will see how they do against Mets this weekend. Go Braves good luck Kenny,Gwinnitian
Thank you all for the welcome, I've been on the forum night and day and I've learned so much I feel like I can teach a course on becoming and independent agent using this forum as a text. :idea:

I wanted to get some opinions about being appointed and becomeing an agency but I think I'll post that under the getting started segment of the froum. Thank you all again for your help ;)

btw, I'm not a big fan of baseball, sorry I've not been able to reply to the comments regarding the braves and their performance. I had to google to find out how they were doing this season :no:. But I'm starting to think it might be a good conversation starter when I meet new people... maybe I should try getting into it ?:idea:
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Oh, and regarind UNI, I decided not to work with them for several reasons and I thought I'd vent a little here so please feel free to ignore what I say from here on.

I found out that I have to pay a $100 fee to start working with them to process my applications.

They don't offer any assistance with sales training, and if my upline does help with contracts, then we split the commission to whatever percentage they feel they deserve at the time of contract (which by the way is 40% not 45% as I was told earlier, that means since I've never sold insurance and need their help, I really end up with 20% untill I learn). Oh, btw, they say my very first case I get 0% since I don't know how to do anything and they'll most likely have to do all the work, and it's manditory that I get my upline to help me sell my first 12 caeses.

I asked where the rest of my 65% commission goes and they said that it gets distributed among my upline so if I want to raise my commission and get over rides, I need to recruit more people under me.

I was also told that I need to get my own E&O insurance which was gonna cost me $600 and handed me a stack of contracts to sign to get appointed with carriers. What was interesting was that on the column where I put commissions paid to, I had to write down UNI and not my own name. They also gave me a company agent number and it was: 208uni (my upline's code is 005uni), this also was a red flag since I've been to the office many times and always saw the same 15 people that are marketing directors (oo1uni - 015uni I presume). I've also over heard their phone conversations and almost all their clients are family members of their new recruiting memebers. And what is their obession with trying to sell Global Index Universal Life for ING? It accounted for like 90% of their sales (the Bahama Cruise Bonus perhapse?).

:cool: Okay I'm done venting now, thanks for giving me place to vent to.

Oh and thank you all for helping me understand the industry so I can avoid such scams. :)
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